Customer Testimonials

HRO is proud to have a customer list of mature, major international companies. We feel especially privileged to be able to work with some of the most outstanding and competent leaders, from whom we also learned a lot; and with so many cooperative and positive participants who filled our programs with life and meaning by bringing themselves into the process. Welcome to read some quotes from our customers:

"Great training - our ability to ask questions have really improved. This course should be extended to a greater audience."
AP Director, Delphi

"The program was dynamic, fun and very practical."
Casey Werth, Wrights China

"The program was well tailored according to our specific needs. I strongly recommend it!"
Vice GM, Dongfeng Visteon

"We have never experienced training like this before. It really has opened our minds."
Participant, Knorr Bremse

"I learned about motivation before, but today I gained the full picture and many creative techniques. Thank you for this inspiring training!"
Participant, Adidas

"I learned excellent points about how to motivate people, and I’m fired up to put it into use immediately with my team."
Participant, Kuehne & Nagel

"I liked the many examples that illustrated the theory behind what was said. The stories and examples kept the topic alive throughout the day."
Participant, Akzo Nobel

"Excellent program, HRO's excellent!"
AP Director, Visteon

"Very good program, I learned a lot!"
Participant, Ingersoll Rand

"Wonderful program, we are very grateful.. "
Participant, Intel

"I have used FiT In™ for my staff, and find it very user friendly. It targets the key areas that allow us to make competent assumptions and provide guidance to better recruitment and management of people. FiT In is locally developed and sufficiently tailored to Chinese people. I recommend it as a fundamental tool for all managers to understand the dimensions of people that they are working with."
Joyce Zhou, General Manager, ICA

"Implementing Fit In™, this innovative tool was a crucial step towards a more efficient recruitment process."
Helen Gan, Chief Representative, Harris-Fraser

"We found FiT In™ a very accurate and the most useful personality test. "
Ferenc Fulop, Transfer Program Manager, Solectron

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