Organizational Diagnostics

Are you familiar with the metaphor of the blind men and the elephants? When a company has more than 100 knowledge workers, it gets similar: there is no one who understands all facets of the company in full details. As size grows, grows the need for systematic assessment, feedback and self-correcting mechanisms.


HRO makes organizational diagnosis via interviews, workshops, questionnaires, and often with a blend of these tools. We can work with the preferred tool of the company, and when we have a chance, we recommend using OD-Map from We like the tool because it's short, to the point; reports are easy to generate and understand, and it has a full range of analytic capabilities.

OD-Map shows direction and charts progress of Organizational Development efforts. You can expect the following benefits:

  • Gain insights from employee feedback, identify bottlenecks and implement continuous improvement;
  • Engage and retain talent better;
  • Enhance leadership and company culture;
  • Improve the performance and vitality of the business.

In a nutshell, OD-Map shows what your organization needs to do in order to move to the next level by:

  • Providing a clear and compelling picture regarding to the current levels of employee engagement and the drivers of engagement
  • Providing specific and actionable results. Managers can understand the report and set specific improvement goals quickly. The precise information will enable your management team to take targeted improvement actions.

OD-Map provides important data for:

  • Making decisions regarding to leadership/management development, talent management, motivation, performance enhancement projects
  • Keeping track of progress over the years in terms of engagement levels, organizational culture effectiveness, and performance enabling factors. Create internal benchmarks (the best form of benchmarking).

Key features:

  • Multilingual (as all OD-Tools);
  • Fast and efficient - people can fill in the questionnaire usually under 10 minutes;
  • Highly-customizable: company specific attributes can be created, e.g. organization chart, locations, employee levels and demographic attributes, etc. The tool also supports normative and free-text type custom questions as well;
  • Data can be sliced and diced along any standard and customized employee attributes;
  • Reports can be created using various benchmarks.

Why HRO?

HRO Shanghai has rich experience in implementing OD-Map as a regular company health check or as a one time diagnostic tool for engagement and organization development. Previously such tools have been only available to the big consulting companies, but with HRO now you can get all the data you need at a much better value.

Please Contact Us  for more information.